Please view more information by clicking a link below:
- Acid Reflux
- Anxiety & Depression-Teens
- Anxiety & Depression-Parents
- Asthma
- Baby Proof Your House
- Bedtime Resistance
- Blocked Tear Duct
- Breastmilk Collection and Storage
- Breath Holding Spells
- Bronchiolitis
- Calorie Boosters
- Car Seat Guidelines
- Child Who Bites
- Colic (Crying Baby)
- Concussion
- Constipation
- Cradle Cap Treatment Plan
- Croup
- Diarrhea
- Dyslexia
- Eating Disorders
- Eczema
- Fiber
- Feeding Baby Solids
- Fifth Disease
- Food Sources of Nutrients Your Body Needs
- Food Pyramid
- Get Out & Play
- Guidelines to Help Children Deal with Loss
- Hay Fever (allergic rhinitis)
- Headache Treatment
- Health Sleep Habits, Happy Child
- Integrative Approaches to Wellness and Nutrition for Athletes
- Jaundice in Newborn Babies
- Lead Screening Questionnaire (1 and 2 1/2 Yr WC)
- MCHAT (18 month and 2 Yr WC)
- MMR and Autism
- Night Terrors
- Over the Counter Medications
- Pinworms
- Roseola
- Screen Time
- SIDS Handout
- Strep Throat
- Sunscreen
- Swimmer’s Ear
- Thrush
- Time Out Hand Out
- Time Out (Plan B!)
- Toilet Training without Tears
- URI Fact Sheet
- Vomiting
- Wart Removal
- Weaning Breathing Treatments
- Wellness & Wellbeing-Child
- Wellness & Wellbeing-Parents
- Wheezing